Friday, August 15, 2014

Man -- "The Reasoning Animal" (?)

I spent much -- too much -- of yesterday and today watching videos and reading news stories about Man's Inhumanity to Man.

  • ISIS
  • Ferguson, Missouri
  • American Politics

I am heartsick.

When I look at the scenes of inhumanity coming from Iraq and Syria, I'm struck by the horror.

When I view the riots by the residents of Missouri, where a community has so far resisted the impulse to butcher their neighbors while they destroy their own infrastructure and economy, I'm appalled.

And when I read of the partisan infighting in the halls of Congress, I'm depressed when I realize that it is less appalling only in comparison; the actions are less bloody, but no less demoralizing.  The worst is that I accept these contentious bouts as "business as usual".  How have I .. how have the American People ... become so blase'?

My only solace has been found by reviewing the words of a great American, Mark Twain, who was more erudite in expressing his dismay using a kinder, gentler weapon:  humor.

(I'm still looking for the routine based on the punchline "Good-bye God, I'm going to Missouri.)

Hal Holbrook in "Mark Twain Tonight!" (1967) - YouTube: Hal Holbrook plays Mark Twain, expounding upon Man, "the reasoning animal." Holbrook still performs MTT these days, but requires considerably less makeup. The words in this scene come mostly from Twain's 1903 essay, "The Damned Human Race" and other essays, such as "Papers of the Adam Family". Category Comedy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't look to Mark Twain. The progressive left has determined he was an overt racist. His thoughts have been taken off the reading lists of most High Schools and Universities.